
April 2024

I have had a wonderful day in Kestrel's class. Being my first day, it was full of trepidation but once the day was started it was fantastic! To make it even better, it's the start of the Summer term and the sun has been out shining!  We have made the most of it; doing our learning outside in Science this afternoon. We have been classifying animals and sorting them into their classifications. This required us to get the chalk out and put each animal into the correct category on the playground.   
Keep up the great work Kestrels!
Mr Gillard
This first week has been full of enjoyment, the children have been fantastic and deserve a well earnt rest this weekend! 
We have been very busy this week starting off our new focuses in each lesson. This afternoon in art, we started looking at telling stories through drawing, the children had the challenge of drawing a story from start to end just through drawing. We have also started our new topic of The Egyptians, focusing on the Nile. Keep up the great work Kestrels!