
July 2024

This week Kestrels have been creating their own explanation texts, they have created some fantastic examples and are now building their knowledge to improve them even further! The explanation texts have been created in a similar style to the ones we have been reading in our class English text; Until I Met Dudley. 
This week, Kestrels have been building their understanding of the world timeline. They have looked at and discussed the length of the Ancient Egyptian civilisation, been blown away by what the ancient Egyptians were making and building during this period and comparing this to what was going on in Britain at the same time, such as the building of Stonehenge! 
This week in Science, the children have been putting together their learning from the past few weeks of the plant life cycle and the pollination cycle to create a stop motion animation. These animations have been fantastic and depict a plant growing from a seed to creating fruit and therefore seeds to start the cycle again. Well done, Kestrels!