
January 2025

Falcon Class thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves into the world of Pirates as they launched their new topic ‘Petrifying Pirates’. Lots of fun was had by all as they designed pirates and pirate ships as well as making their very own treasure maps.
What a week it has been! Falcon class loved supporting the Harbertonford football team in the beautiful sunshine on Wednesday, demonstrating great sportsmanship. We embraced outdoor learning whilst learning about Sweden, creating wands in flag colours.
Falcon’s class thoroughly enjoyed learning about Anne Bonny this week as part of our Pirate learning. They used a range of sources to research facts and recorded them to share with others.
What a week it has been for Falcon Class! We absolutely loved our trip to the National Marine Aquarium on Tuesday and represented the school beautifully. We saw lots of amazing sea life and enjoyed making habitat hats linked to our Science learning.