
June 2024

Kestrels have had a fantastic first week back, we started off the week having a go at a new sport... Golf! The children started off getting to grips with the golf clubs; trying out the putter and a wedge. On Wednesday, we then moved on to some target practice, aiming for small nets before moving on to our very own 9-hole golf course! The children have massively enjoyed this new sport. Well done Kestrels!   
Kestrels had their most technical cooking session so far. They made fish bites and wedges/potatoe slices from scratch, creating breadcrumbs from scratch and cutting potatoes and fish. Britt was very impressed by the use of the skills they have built up over the past 2 years.
Kestrals have had a week full of outdoor activities this week and they have loved it! We started off the week paddleboarding at Goodrington Sands! This was fantastic, we all got into our wetsuits and life jackets, put on our helmets and got straight into the sea! 
We have also had Olympic day, where we represented two different countries and took part in lots of different activities and to top it off we have also had Sports Day! What a fantastic week!