All about Foundation Owls!
Mrs Blair is our Foundation Stage Owls teacher. Our Owls enjoy learning, playing and exploring together, enjoying some time throughout the day with Pre-School. We work together as part of a Partnership Foundation Stage Unit sharing resources and activities in a linked Learning Space.
Children follow a broad and balanced curriculum following the Early Years Foundation Stage framework through topic-based and high interest activities. There are plenty of opportunities for children to initiate their own learning throughout the day, and many of the activities are based on the interests of the children. They are encouraged to work both independently and with others to plan, access and organise resources in the learning space provided. Everyone is supported and challenged in order to do their best.
Children participate in many practical and play based activities both indoors and outdoors to aid their learning. There is also an outdoor space right outside both of these classrooms, which enjoyed by us all. Reception children also enjoy specific outdoor learning activities in our outdoor classroom, and 'forest' area where there are dens, swings and a pond to explore.
We follow the Bug Club phonics program, enriched with songs, stories, mark making and writing opportunities. This is extended, enriched and embedded across the environment to ensure that children are able to develop their skills appropriately.
We send reading books home on a Monday and the children are provided with a Book Log to record their reading achievements. You can also access Bug Club books, resources and games online at home, please ask Mrs Sims for your child's log in details. These achievements are celebrated in a whole school Praise Assembly on a Friday, where children are recognised and praised for their hard work.
In maths, we use Numicon to support children’s understanding of number, pattern and counting. We plan and resource the environment to enrich the children’s mathematical understanding. Number, shape and measures are embedded into many of the activities set up for the children to access. We map out our curriculum using the White Rose Hub suggested overview. The children have their own log ins to 'Numbots' to practise and apply new skills through games.
PE is taught discreetly each week as well as RE. We use RE Today for our planning in RE and we explore, question and explain our own and others' beliefs.
We use Tapestry as an online Learning Journey, where photos, videos and audio clips can be uploaded and shared with parents, as well as parents sharing aspects of home lives, such as swimming certificates, buildings and creations made or perhaps a caked baked together; this way they can share their home lives with their froends through images and video.
We follow Letters and Sounds for Phonics (available on the DfE website) alongside the Bug Club program. Mark making and writing opportunities are embedded across the environment to ensure that children are able to develop their skills appropriately.
We send reading books home on a Monday and the children are provided with a Book Log to record their reading achievements. These achievements are celebrated in a whole school Praise Assembly on a Friday, where children are recognised and praised for their hard work.
In maths, we use Numicon to support children’s understanding of number, pattern and counting. We plan and resource the environment to enrich the children’s mathematical understanding. Number, shape and measures are embedded into many of the activities set up for the children to access.
We use Tapestry as an online Learning Journey, where photos, videos and audio clips can be uploaded and shared with parents.
Our topics for the year are as follows:
- Who’s Who?
- Forest School in Term 2
The second half of each half term is guided by the children’s interests. Through careful observations and assessments, activities are planned to motivate and excite the children; which in turn supports the children’s abilities to apply their knowledge to the world around them.