Harbertonford Nursery is part of the Foundation Stage Unit and is an integral part of Harbertonford Primary School which manages the Nursery.
The Nursery itself has a dedicated team of staff who do a fantastic job of caring for and nurturing the children. They are part of a team who work closely with Reception class (Owls) staff to ensure all children enjoy learning, playing and exploring together.
There are both indoor and outdoor areas accessible at all times. The children take part in a wide variety of activities and particularly enjoy music, cooking and having visitors. The children are all extremely happy during their time at Nursery and their learning development progresses well during their time here.
The Nursery runs from 9.00am – 3.00pm Monday - Friday during term time. Morning sessions run from 9.00-12.00 and afternoon sessions run from 12.00-3.00. We welcome visitors at any time.
Parents could you please bear the following in mind:
- If there are changes to the person collecting your child please could you inform Nursery staff at drop off or please call the office.
- Please could all children bring in a waterproof warm coat to nursery each day. We always access our outside area throughout the sessions and the weather is not always kind.
- Please remember to check the “Parent Information Pocket” for newsletters and information